ArGe Tschechoslowakei - Archive

ArGe Tschechoslowakei e.V.
Society of Collectors of Czechoslovak Stamps


Search Criteria


If no search criteria are specified, the the ten most recently published items are shown.


Area Date Description Picture
Czechoslovakia 1918 – 1939 11.05.1921 R-letter with multiple franking, social philately picture
Protectorate Bohemia & Moravia 22.10.1939 Parcel clipping with post-used Czechoslovak newspaper stamps picture
Protectorate Bohemia & Moravia 31.03.1943 Mixed franking of official and definitive stamps picture
Europe Letter to former participant of the Spanish Civil War interned in France picture
Europe 10.03.1925 Soviet stationery postcard charged in Czechoslovakia picture
Europe 22.01.1934 Letter from Denmark forwarded several times picture
Czechoslovakia 1945 – 1992 26.03.1945 Stationery postcard with additional services paid in cash picture
Czechoslovakia 1945 – 1992 01.12.1944 Hungarian pictorial stationery postcard with overprint "ČSR" from Mukačevo picture
Czechoslovakia 1945 – 1992 14.07.1945 Cash-paid letter with double adapted after-war postmark picture
Czechoslovakia 1945 – 1992 30.01.1992 recommended letter tied with R-label and postmark of the Jaslovské Bohunice nuclear power plant picture