About us
Our association unites collectors interested in Czechslovak philately. Our working field covers the territory of Czechoslovakia recognized by international law as for the 31.12.1937. The geographical and temporal extent is therefore as follows:
- The territory of later Czechoslovakia during the Austrian Empire until 1918
- The first Czechoslovak Republic 1918 - 1939
- The Slovak State 1939 - 1945
- The Carpatho-Ucraine indepent for one day in 1939
- The territories of Slovakia and the Carpatho-Ucraine occupied by Hungary during World War II
- The second Czechoslovak Republic 1945 - 1992
- The Czech Republic from 1993
- The Slovak Republic from 1993
A lot of our members also take an interest in the fields of
- Sudetenland 1938 - 1945 (border areas administratively included in the Third Reich)
- Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1939 - 1945
For these fields of interest there are independent working groups inside the Association of German Philatelists (ArGe Deutsche Ostgebiete and ArGe Böhmen und Mähren). Our group maintains close relationships with these groups and many of our members belong to them too.
It is our goal to coordinate the research work of the Czechoslovak philately in the German speaking countries, to publish the results of this work, to assist collectors interested in Czechoslovak philately and to fight forgery.
Some of our members have special fields of research in which they publish their findings (publications). In particular we would like to mention specialized catalogues. For some topics there are special research groups.
Most of recognized philatelic experts of Czechoslovak philately are organized in the ArGe.
The group has about 100 members in Germany and abroad. Beside that the Arge maintains contacts with organizations committed to Czechoslovak philately abroad as follows:
- Czech Republic
- Slovakia
- Denmark
- Great Britain
- Hungary
- The Netherlands
Members are offered a number of services:
- circular exchange of philatelic material
- subscription to new issues at a reasonable price
- a journal published four times a year
- an extensive library
- specialized catalogues
- translations of international philatelic literature
- regular news
- recognized philatelic experts as members
- worldwide contacts with other organizations of Czechoslovak philately
How to become a member you will learn here.