On the long term, no collector can do without literature informing him on his field of interest. Without claiming completeness we specify handbooks, catalogues, journals and other publications containing useful information for collectors of Czechoslovak stamps.
The ArGe Tschechoslowakei itself also publishes literature; other publications are available with the ArGe.
Single volumes of the Monography of Czechoslovak Stamps are marked as MČZ and with a serial number.
The territory of later Czechoslovakia at the time of the Habsburg monarchy until 1918
- U. Ferchenbauer: Österreich 1850-1918, Handbuch und Spezialkatalog
- Michel Specialized Catalogue Austria
- MČZ 13-14: Postmarks of the Post Offices in Bohemia until 1918
- MČZ 15: Postmarks of the Post Offices in Slovakia until 1918
- MČZ 20: The Historical Development of the Names of Post Offices in the Countries of the Czech Crown
- A magyar bélyegek monográfiája (Monography of Hungarian Stamps)
The first Czechoslovak Republic 1918 - 1939
- MČZ 1: Provisional (so called Revolutionary) Issues 1918; Hradschin Issue; Postal Localities of the SR
- MČZ 2: Legionary Stamps, Pošta Československa 1919; Masaryk 125, 500, 1000; Dove, Liberated Republic (Chain Breaker), Hussit, Economy And Science 1920 and 1923, Red Cross Overprint 1920; Postal Stationery with Dove, Liberated Republic
- MČZ 3: Issues 1923 - 1939 including postal stationery
- MČZ 4: Air Mail, Newspaper, Postage Due and Express Stamps
- MČZ 5: SO 1920
- MČZ 16: Provisional Postmarks of the SR 1918 - 1920
- MČZ 17: Postmarks of the SR 1919 - 1939
- MČZ 20: The Historical Development of the Names of Post Offices in the Countries of the Czech Crown
- Klim/Schödelbauer: Československo 1918-1939 (special catalogue), Brno 2002
- Catalogue of Postal Stationery of the ArGe
- P. Kipp: Die Sonderstempel der Tschechoslowakei von 1919 bis 1939, ArGe 1994 (Special Cancellations)
- Prof. Dr. P.-A. Koch: Die internationalen Antwortscheine der Tschechoslowakei, ArGe 1975 (IRCs)
- Mahr/Vouhsem: Geschichte der Tschechoslowakischen Flugpost T. 1-4, ArGe 1986-1990 (History of Czechoslovak Air Mail)
The Slovak State 1939 - 1945
- O. Földes: Slovensko 1939 - 1945 špecializovaný katalóg známok a celín, Bratislava 2007
- M. Bachratý: Slovensko 1938 - 1945 Poštová história, Bratislava 2020
The Carpatho-Ukraine
- M. Blaha: Zakarpatsko, Praha 1989
- Dr. W. J. Rauch: Anmerkungen zur Postgeschichte der Karpathen-Ukraine T. 1+2, ArGe 1975 (postal history)
- Dr. B. Simády: Kárpátalja postatörténete (Postal history of the Carpatho-Ukraine), Budapest 1991
Slovak territories occupied by Hungary from 1938 and during WW II
The second Czechoslovak Republic 1945 - 1992
- Československo 1945 - 92, Specializovaný katalog, Praha 1998 (specialized catalogue)
Czech Republic from 1993
- P. Morgen: Barcodes im Postverkehr Tschechische Republik und Slowakei (barcodes in postal use)
Slovakia from 1993
- Floch a.i.: Špecializovaný katalóg Slovensko 2001, Bratislava 2000 (specialized catalogue)
- P. Morgen: Barcodes im Postverkehr Tschechische Republik und Slowakei (barcodes in postal use)
- Forschungsberichte aus der Tschechoslowakei-Philatelie der ArGe (D, journal of the ArGe)
- Filatelie (CZ)
- Merkur Revue (CZ)
- Czechout (GB, journal of the Czechoslovak Philatelic Society of Great Britain)
- The Czechoslovak Specialist (USA, journal of The Society for Czechoslovak Philately)
Further information are available in the catalogues Michel Europa and POFIS.