ArGe Tschechoslowakei - Auction

ArGe Tschechoslowakei e.V.
Society of Collectors of Czechoslovak Stamps


This auction is not open to the general public. Members of the ArGe Tschechoslowakei from Germany and abroad as well as members of the German ArGe Böhmen und Mähren and of our foreign partner organizations (SSČSZ, Českomoravská společnost pro poštovní historii, CPS GB, Vereniging voor Tsjechoslowakije-Filatelie, MABÉOSZ Szlovák-cseh szekciója, SCP US, Tjekkoslovakiet Samlerne Danmark) are entitled to take part.

Terms of sale (in German only)

catalogue search and pictures

Please direct your further questions (in English too) to the auctioneer.